AMUSF Stage 1
Non assessed work (Frames and fillings included in course fees).
Drop-in seat (modern materials)
Drop-in seat (traditional materials including fabric and bottoming cloth)
Stitched and stuffed traditionally upholstered footstool
Sprung arm exercise for an inset facing (traditional materials and methods)
Box Cushion with piping and zip (sample)
Bolster End with piping (sample)
NB. All practice pieces remain property of the school unless the student decides to purchase
Assessed work
Sprung dining chair - traditional materials and methods (Frame and fillings included in course fees, covering fabric to be supplied by student )
Upholstered and lined box with decorative detail and deep-buttoned lid - modern materials, with a minimum of three diamonds (Frame, fillings and covering fabric to be supplied by student)
Portfolio containing notes and details of work in progress
A Written Research Project to be completed in students own time
All elements of the course (assessed, non assessed and written work) must be completed in order to receive verification.